Ending a Tenancy Agreement Early in the Fixed Term in Sweden

Ending a Tenancy Agreement Early in the Fixed Term in Sweden

Tenancy agreements in Sweden are legal contracts that govern the terms and conditions of renting a residential property. These agreements usually have a fixed term and are binding for both the tenant and the landlord. However, there are situations when a tenant may need to terminate the tenancy agreement before the fixed-term expires. This article will provide an overview of the legal framework and procedures for ending a tenancy agreement early in Sweden.

Legal Framework

The Swedish Tenancy Act (Hyreslagen) regulates the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords in relation to a rental property. Section 35 of the Act states that a tenant has the right to terminate a tenancy agreement before the fixed term expires if there is a justifiable reason. The Act provides a list of reasons that are considered justifiable, including:

– The tenant has been offered a job or education opportunity in another location.

– The tenant needs to move to a new home due to health reasons or disability.

– The tenant has experienced domestic violence or harassment in the rental property.

Additionally, the Act states that a tenant may terminate the agreement early if the landlord has breached any of the terms of the agreement, such as failing to make necessary repairs or violating the tenant`s privacy rights.

Procedures for Ending a Tenancy Agreement Early

If a tenant wishes to terminate a tenancy agreement early, they must follow certain procedures to ensure that they comply with the law and protect their rights. The first step is to provide written notice to the landlord, stating the reason for the early termination and the planned date of departure. The tenant must also provide evidence to support their claim, such as a job offer or medical certificate.

The notice must be delivered to the landlord in person or by registered mail with a return receipt. The notice period is usually three months, but it may be shorter if there is a justifiable reason, such as domestic violence. If the tenant and landlord agree to a shorter notice period, it must be put in writing and signed by both parties.

If the landlord objects to the early termination, they may file a complaint with the Swedish Rent Tribunal (Hyresnämnden). The Tribunal will then review the case and make a decision based on the evidence presented by both parties. If the Tribunal finds that the tenant had a justifiable reason for terminating the agreement early, the tenant will be released from their obligations under the agreement. However, if the Tribunal finds that the tenant did not have a justifiable reason, they may be required to pay compensation to the landlord for the loss of rent.


Ending a tenancy agreement early in Sweden is possible if there is a justifiable reason, such as a job offer or health issue. Tenants must follow the legal procedures for providing notice and supporting evidence to the landlord, and may need to attend a Rent Tribunal hearing if the landlord objects to the termination. Being familiar with the legal framework and procedures for ending a tenancy agreement early can help tenants and landlords to protect their rights and avoid potential disputes.