Agreement on Agriculture Text

The Agreement on Agriculture text is a crucial piece of international legislation. It was established in 1995 and forms part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements. The agreement sets out the rules and principles for international trade of agricultural products between member countries.

The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) arose from the Uruguay Round of negotiations, which began in 1986. The aim of the negotiations was to create a more open and fair international trading system. Prior to the AoA, agricultural trade was heavily protected through subsidies and other measures which made it difficult for developing countries to compete in the global market.

The AoA covers three main areas: market access, domestic support, and export competition. Market access refers to the conditions under which a country can import goods from other countries. Domestic support refers to the subsidies and other measures that countries use to support their own agricultural sectors. Export competition refers to the export subsidies and other measures that countries use to promote their own agricultural exports.

One of the key objectives of the AoA was to reduce trade barriers and create a more level playing field for agricultural trade. This was achieved through a process of tariffication, whereby countries agreed to convert non-tariff barriers to tariffs, which could be gradually reduced over time.

Another important area covered by the AoA is domestic support. Many countries provide subsidies and other forms of support to their domestic agricultural sectors. However, these measures can distort trade and put developing countries at a disadvantage. The AoA therefore sets limits on the amount of support that countries can provide, and requires that such support be provided in a non-discriminatory manner.

The AoA has been the subject of some controversy since its inception. Critics argue that it has not done enough to address the imbalances in global agricultural trade. Developing countries in particular have criticized the AoA for not doing enough to address the impact of subsidies and other support measures provided by developed countries.

Despite these criticisms, the AoA remains an important piece of international legislation. It has helped to create a more open and fair trading system for agricultural products, and has encouraged countries to reduce trade barriers and support their agricultural sectors in a more sustainable manner. As such, it will continue to play a vital role in shaping international agricultural trade in the years to come.

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